Posted: 01.30.2024
IdolM@ster: Beyond the Blue Sky Option Parts
I've never bought anything from the 30 Minutes Sisters line before this kit.
I don't know a whole lot about IM@S (I've only watched the original show, nothing more) but I can't resist the opportunity to make a cute idol outfit. Pair that with a color palate that looks like it could work for Pekora... we'll see what I can do with this one.
This kit is solely an idol outfit and limbs; no neck or head included. You have 3 choices of bust size and 2 different upper thigh choices to adjust the figure's height to your liking. Overall, I am very impressed with this one.
Cute box art! No idea who these girls are!
Upper torso. I opted for chest option B.
Completed torso. The gold chains and buttons are super slick.
Completed torso (rear). I like the way the chains wrap around the body.
Torso again. Now with skirt action!
I love these sparkly translucent black parts. They make for a very cool effect in-person and a more mediocre effect in photos.
I opted to not apply the included stickers to the badge on her chest. I'm not a fan of stickers on kits and I plan on doing quite a bit of painting once this set is done, badge included.
About an hour to get to this part. Coming together well!
Another 30 minutes and she's got legs! Well, mostly.
And now those legs are done! Good sculpt.
Great looking outfit. The attention to detail in this dress is off the charts.
A microphone is included. Easy to slap together, being only 2 pieces. Will definitely require a paint app or two to make it pop.
The blue, gold, and glitter-black all compliment each other very well.
These gold cords will need a good metallic finish applied to them. Hopefully I can get that done in the coming days and not put it off for weeks.
Cute boots! A light wash will go a long way to pull the detail forward on the cuffs. Same with the cuffs around her wrists.
The plaid pattern is a very flexible, almost fabric like element. The use of additional textures gives this kit some extra pizazz.
I am very impressed by this 30MS kit! It was easy to clip, quick to sand, and fit together well without issue. It took me roughly 2 hours to build the entire thing.
There's a few small gaps here and there, but I'll fill them in after I partially disassemble the kit and paint the outfit. Mostly, I'd like to prime and paint the gold elements with a brighter, more metallic gold and touch up some smaller details. After sealing, I'll give the white elements a light wash and that's about it for paint!
Next, I'll need to figure out how to craft a neck for this body. My plan is to turn this into a custom idol body for my Pekora figma. I have some ideas, just need to toy around with them (pun intended). I'll update this post in the near future as I continue to work on this project.